Better Communication, Better Care
Tools to Care for Diverse Populations

Health literacy is now known to be vital to good patient care and positive health outcomes. Health Choice Generations is pleased to provide this Multicultural Communications information to assist physicians and their staff in communicating effectively and compassionately with patients from diverse cultures.

Answer 3

Along with encouraging your patients to use the Ask Me 3 approach, simple techniques can increase your patients’ comfort level with asking questions, as well as compliance with your instructions after they leave appointments.

  • Create a safe environment where patients feel comfortable talking openly with you
  • Use plain language instead of technical language or medical jargon
  • Sit down (instead of standing) to achieve eye level with your patient
  • Use visual models to illustrate a procedure or condition
  • Ask patients to “teach back” the care instructions you give to them

Learn more about low health literacy

The AskMe3 Web site has research studies on the issue of low health literacy, a white paper detailing the scope and impact of the problem, and communication tools to help you in your practice.

Incorporate new knowledge into your practice

Broadening your knowledge of the low health literacy issue and associated concerns will help you to better treat your patients. A list of additional literacy resources, explanations of interaction techniques and examples of simple interventions are also available on AskMe3’s Web site at .

Source: Partnership for Clear Communication –